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WebIDE (c) Vedran Ljubović and others 2015-2022.
Developed with Theia IDE technology using Linux, UUP Game, Autotester, Zamger and other tools.
Special thanks to:
If there is a major issue affecting a lot of users - you don't have to report it. We already know about it and are working on a fix. You can use WebIDE chat to track the progress.
Unfortunately, sometimes there are issues that affect very few users - maybe just you - and we would like you to report it.
In order for your report to be useful, we need to know what you were doing at the time, the exact sequence of clicks that lead to it, the contents of your JavaScript console, all of open network connections and what data was transferred over them (the contents of Network tab within Developer Tools) etc. Most people find it difficult to collect all this information, and they often do it wrong. Thats why we use browser extensions to do it for us. If you are paranoid about browser extensions and believe that you can write a bug report like a senior QA engineer, by all means - do that instead.
If your problem is that your program doesn't work or doesn't provide the output that you expected, or it fails the tests - please contact your tutor first. If there is bug, your tutor will contact us with more details.
Before reporting problems with WebIDE please try the following steps:
Please be patient while we review your report. If any followup is neccessary we will contact you using your email.